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NAME (year)


Bailey Hughes(30)

  • Geboren 01.01.1995

​Working side by side with Oscar-winner Marisa Tomei and Golden-globe winner James Franco, Bailey has experienced first hand the wonders of story telling on screen while managing to steer clear of the perils of the industry. Born and raised in Southern California, the straight-A honors student has balanced acting and academics, having a normal childhood while still finding time to pursue his childhood dreams. In Bailey's very first role, Carrie Ann Inaba (judge on Dancing with the Stars) saw something special when she cast Bailey for a lead role in the independent film that she directed and produced. One film role led to over twenty others, in which Bailey worked with Larry David (Curb Your Enthusiasm), Jason Segel (How I Met Your Mother), Michael Rapaport, Charlie McDowell, and Marisa Tomei, among others. Nominated for a Young Artist Award for best supporting actor for his role in the film Good Time Max, director James Franco hand picked Bailey to play the young version of himself in the film - a twelve year old genius with a rebellious streak. Bailey has visited 27 countries with his family, traveling throughout Europe, Africa, and Asia - Dubai being his favorite. In high school, Bailey continued to seek roles that challenge him as an actor, while taking AP classes and working towards graduating from high school his sophomore year. He hopes to continue acting while he studies screenwriting and film in college, and eventually wants to write, act, and direct. For now, he says he can't imagine doing anything else.


Filme (2)

Good Time MaxYoung Max
Blood DeepYoung Sean